Plant Tissue

FGV Holdings Berhad involvement in tissue culture began in 1980s and since 2010, the FGV Innovation Centre (FGVIC) has successfully produced 1.0 million tissue cultured oil palm ramets annually. In addition to oil palm tissue culture planting materials, FGVIC has also actively produced banana ramets to accommodate the varied needs of customers.
Registered Lab
Our laboratory is accredited to MS ISO/IEC 17025 standard requirement for testing laboratory. FGV Analytical laboratory also is the Soil Proficiency Testing program coordinator under Agriculture Laboratory Association of Malaysia (AgLAM).

Plant Tissue Culture
FGV Holdings Berhad involvement in tissue culture began in 1980s and since 2010, the FGV Innovation Centre (FGVIC) has successfully produced 1.0 million tissue cultured oil palm ramets annually. In addition to oil palm tissue culture planting materials, FGVIC has also actively produced banana ramets to accommodate the varied needs of customers.

Registered Lab
Our laboratory is accredited to MS ISO/IEC 17025 standard requirement for testing laboratory. FGV Analytical laboratory also is the Soil Proficiency Testing program coordinator under Agriculture Laboratory Association of Malaysia (AgLAM).

Consultation / Training And Contract Services
FGVIC provides consultation / training & contract services in plant tissue culture work to any interested individual or industry players.
FGVIC consultation services include:
- Cloning for large scale production, banana cloning for large scale production
- Consultancy for the development of tissue culture facilities.
- Cloning planting materials according to customer specific need.

Consultation / Training And Contract Services
FGVIC provides consultation / training & contract services in plant tissue culture work to any interested individual or industry players.
FGVIC consultation services include:
- Cloning for large scale production, banana cloning for large scale production
- Consultancy for the development of tissue culture facilities.
- Cloning planting materials according to customer specific need.
Tissue Culture Efficiency Improvement Programme
For Cost Reduction
FGVIC carries out continuous improvement program for cloning of oil palm and other crops to further improve the efficiency in cloning system and further reduce the cost

Tissue Culture Efficiency Improvement Programme
For Cost Reduction
FGVIC carries out continuous improvement program for cloning of oil palm and other crops to further improve the efficiency in cloning system and further reduce the cost

Suspension Culture
Suspension culture programme currently focuses in growing oil palm embryogenic cells in liquid suspension system. The ramets are planted in trials areas for abnormality monitoring. Our abnormality rate in trial areas is at an average 3.0%.

Suspension Culture
Suspension culture programme currently focuses in growing oil palm embryogenic cells in liquid suspension system. The ramets are planted in trials areas for abnormality monitoring. Our abnormality rate in trial areas is at an average 3.0%.
Oil Palm Cloning Of Specific Traits (Dura, Pisifera And Others)
Cloning of oil palm specific traits is also one of the activities carried out in FGVIC tissue culture research department. Cloning of Dura mother palm and Pisifera father palms for obtaining semi-clonal and bi-clonal seed has been carried out since 2001. Cloning specific traits has become our routine activity in FGVIC and we offer the services to individual or the industry at large.

Oil Palm Cloning Of Specific Traits (Dura, Pisifera And Others)
Cloning of oil palm specific traits is also one of the activities carried out in FGVIC tissue culture research department. Cloning of Dura mother palm and Pisifera father palms for obtaining semi-clonal and bi-clonal seed has been carried out since 2001. Cloning specific traits has become our routine activity in FGVIC and we offer the services to individual or the industry at large.

Oil Palm Cloning Of Amenable And Nonamenable Progeny
FGVIC also provide services in oil palm cloning for high yielding palm of customers specific interests (whether from amenable or nonamenable progeny).

Oil Palm Cloning Of Amenable And Nonamenable Progeny
FGVIC also provide services in oil palm cloning for high yielding palm of customers specific interests (whether from amenable or nonamenable progeny).
Cloning Of Other Crops (Banana, Rubber, Sugarcane, Pineapple & Etc)
Banana cloning is done commercially in FGVIC to provide banana planting materials. We currently focus on cloning pisang berangan and provide services in cloning other variety of banana depending on demand by our customers. In providing this service, we use the FGVIC standard banana cloning system.

Cloning Of Other Crops (Banana, Rubber, Sugarcane, Pineapple & Etc)
Banana cloning is done commercially in FGVIC to provide banana planting materials. We currently focus on cloning pisang berangan and provide services in cloning other variety of banana depending on demand by our customers. In providing this service, we use the FGVIC standard banana cloning system.